giovedì 26 maggio 2011

After 1 month... [UPDATE]

Yeah, after a month I'm here again writing a new post.
As someone knows, I'm studying in these days. I had the exams simulations 3 days ago and I'm a little satisfied, but I want to study more to get an near-perfect exam! The writing examination will start on 23 July and the oral examination after few days from 23. I'm studying these arguments:
- Giovanni Pascoli (Italian literature)
- World War 1 (History)
- Facebook (English)
- An social network's database and his network (I'm programming it in Microsoft Access)
- Modem and Modulation PSK/DPSK (Electronics)
- Average (Statistics)
I'm a bit sad because I hate study and I prefer to spend my time to other things but I need it :P. Then, what are the status of my projects?

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix translation:

I translated some other scenes and I miss the scene with the mean of "Roxas" and the battle between Roxas and Riku. I rewrited some texts and fixed some bad strings. I started also to take the strings from the Majik's translation of Theater Mode and port them on my translation in English and Italian (I'll give the credits, it's obvious). But there are two important things: I HAVEN'T FIXED YET THE BUG OF THE CHEST!!!! RESOLVED :D!!! I'm able to decompress, recompress, extract and rebuild the entire ISO and KH2.IMG but I can't resolve it :(. I did some ram dumps before to open a chest and after but without result: I'm not able to understand why the game won't take the edited text... An checksum? Naaa, I don't think... Oh, I forgot to tell that the game won't accept an text size more than a specific size, so I'm not able to run smoothly the game (a lot of other crashes or blank texts), so I'm reducing some original texts like "Checking the memory card on slot 1, don't remove the controller dualshock PS2 blablabla" cutting them to "Checking the memory card 1". I think that isn't a real problem :). Oh, I translated almost all the weapons (Sora, Donald and Goofy) and updated the Journal. Well, I'm able to release a new version soon, but I don't know if the people want to try another beta (with the classic freeze problem) or play directly with the final version, but there is another problem... I can release a beta now, but I can release it in two ways:
1) Using the rebuilder, so the people will download few files (1mb I think) to patch the ISO but the patching process will take 1 hours (yeah O.o) and you will not able to swap the patched game with the original ISO to avoid freeze problems.
2) Patching the ISO with the classic way and release via torrent another BIG file of 2.83GB via torrent, but you will able to swap the disc from my translation and the original ISO to avoid problems.
What do you think?
Oh, I check that if you take an crystal from a big chest and press start, the game will not freeze, if you take a map the game freeze, if you take the crystal and after a map the game will freeze and if you take a map and after a crystal then press start, the game will not freeze O.o... Checked this to Garden of Assemblage.
EDIT: I resolved the chest and the crown's bug :D! I played from the beginning until Sora goes to the Mysterious Tower smoothly without freeze and without to save-and-restart.

Custom server:
I'm creating a custom server for a game that recently become a bugged, laggy and hackered game. I can't reveal the name now. Until now (2 days of studying socket libs and making a client/server) I'm able to talk with the real server of the game and capture its packets :P. I'm able also to talk with the client, decrypting the packets and check the messages that it send.

The secret project:
Well, I'm programming also a thing that I'm sure that will be one of the best projects ever for some KH fans... I can't reveal nothing now, I need time and someone that can help me :).

A game:
Recently I had a discussion with two friends that have the idea to make an videogame for PC. I'm the programmer and I started to make the engine: DirectX9 with 2D support, Keyboard and Joystick support and a Map Editor that I'm developing.

That it's all guys :). Oh, I added some new wallpapers on my blog. If you want to propose other wallpapers, write here :D!

38 commenti:

  1. @xeeynamo
    first best wishes with the exams :).
    1) about the freeze problem with chests will u be able to solve later or is it forever.
    2) when you say that we need to swap disks to avoid freeze problems which ones are you refering to ?
    3) i just think it would be better to release the final non-buggy version but it is up to you :)
    4) thank you again and again and again, i really can't thank you enough for your work :D

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  3. @xeeynamo
    i hope the best for ur exams man :)

    and i thank u deeply for ur work man :D

  4. Ciao Xeeynamo!
    da quando ho letto il tuo articolo guardo ogni giorno il tuo blog :)
    In bocca al lupo per il 23 giugno! con le tue conoscenze informatiche e il tuo livello di inglese potresti entrare a far parte di team di programmatori come quelli della square enix ;)
    riguardo al problema degli scrigni non ne so molto ma su questi sito:

    pare abbiano risolto con una patch credo:

    ancora in bocca al lupo per gli esami! non vedo l'ora che esca la patch ufficiale! e poi sono curioso di sapere qual'è questo progetto segreto riguardante kingdom hearts :)

  5. Ti volevo chiedere un'altra cosa! sostituire l'audio giapponese con le scene di 358/2 days in inglese è una trovata geniale però se non sbaglio in alcune scene originali di kingdom hearts 2 final mix non si sente proprio il dialogato ma si leggono solo i testi, come ad esempio l'ultima scena finale tra axel e roxas o i numerosi incontri dell'organizzazione XIII!! solo terminato il gioco sbloccando la modalità theater sarebbe possibile ascoltare alcune scene con l'audio in giapponese!! potresti invece far in modo, se non chiedo troppo, che già nella modalità storia sia possibile ascoltare l'audio giapponese delle scene originariamente mute? grazie ancora per il duro lavoro che ti chiediamo!! sei il migliore :)

  6. I believe you should release the ISO already patched because you can't swap discs to get pass those buggy area that freeze up the game.
    Also The chest opening problem is it only related to the maps are does other items received also freeze the game. Oh also good luck with the Exams man,we already took ours and I pass so graduation here I come I can only wish the same of luck to you.

  7. well i know you're willing to make a online kh game
    i already helped make like two of them and i'll be glad to help
    you can check an example : its the 1st kh online game ever

  8. good luck btw
    and what's with the swapping
    if you mean i can swap disks with the original kh2 fm to bypass bugs that'll be awesome i used it on kh2 i used to swap to bypass some black screens

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  10. @giovanni.angeli
    non credo che square potrebbe accettare qualcuno facilmente...
    nintendo mi ha accettato ma
    edit:sono amine miu cugino mi ha messo questo nome lol

  11. I think you should patch the ISO and release another beta so that er can see how's it going
    BTW, good luck man, after all that work you must be tired and you have to focus on the studies, take a rest and when you are ok go back to the kh project xD

  12. well i forgot to say i think the the 2 is the best a patched iso so we could swap disks as they play so we could avoid problems :)

    note: check ur email plz i wait for those untranslated thingys so i could just start searching for them or translate the one's i know

  13. Buona fortuna con gli esami,di sicuro li passerai senza problemi,good luck :mki:

    Per quanto riguarda il bug delle chest,per swappare disco intendi che posso cambiarlo appena il gioco freeza ( quindi con la ps2 in funzione) oppure sono costretto a salvare prima di aprire le casse,rimettere il disco unpatched ed aprirle?
    (in ogni caso provo a fare un test sulla tua trad. con la patch dei bug che ha postato "giovanni.angeli" più sopra, magari funziona ò_ò)
    Ah by the way, la scelta migliore è la seconda(di nuovo buona fortuan con gli esami)

  14. I personally would like the rebuilder, because it would be more of a multi-purpose tool, and it's a smaller file that takes shorter to download. I personally would love to test your KH2 unpacker, because while testing yaz0r's latest dumper, I found anm subfolders and pax files he hadn't even discovered by bruteforcing filenames from ard files. Also, I was able to modify his program by replacing subfolders titled JP, FM, and FJ with either US or UK, for USA and United Kingdom disks, and Final Mix files with apdx non-FM filetypes. It would either be a major filepath contribution, or a pretty sound accuracy test. Can your unpacker take PSS files from the OVL.IMG?

  15. @Darko:
    1) I resolved it :)
    2) You can change the disc while you are playing to avoid some freezes. In some users this work.
    3) I'm thinking to not release an second beta and release directly the final version with the resolved bug.
    4) Thank to you :)

    @giovanni.angeli: La patch di Majik NON risolve il bug delle casse anzi, aumenta i casi di freeze in maniera totalmente casuale. Ci avevo già pensato a mettere direttamente l'audio originale jappo ma, con i test fatti attualmente, il gioco crasha un attimo prima di eseguire la voce. Ci sperimenterò dopo :) la release finale sarà qualcosa di fantastico, vedrai!

    @linkfan100: Recently I discovered that the problem isn't related to the maps. However thank you :)

    @Amine: An Online game for KH2 can be a great idea, but I'm thinking to do something better :D

    @Ectis: Replied

    @3582days: Well, my unpacker/packer extract a lot of more files than the Yaz0r's dumper. I'll release it with the final patch of the game and the tools that I used for the translation. And yes, I can unpack also the OVL.IMG

  16. @xeeynamo
    nice job (Y) you really are amazing ;) i can't wait for the final version keep up the great work :D you are truly one in a million :D

  17. Cool man you're really working hard even though you got to study for exams keep up the good work.:]

  18. Fai pure con calma :) la prossima release sarà quella finale quindi! non vedo l'ora!! in bocca al lupo per gli esami e buon lavoro ;D

  19. xeeynamo per quanto riguarda la questione delle corone,se cambio disco, le prendo, e poi lo ricambio scompaiono lo stesso?

  20. I love you Xeeynamo! So now you will only release the rebuilder? I have no problems with that since you resolved the freeze glitch.
    What else do you need to do now? I would love to help but i don't understand those things :/

  21. @xeeynamo
    you're really the man
    the 1st one to make a successful kh2 fm translation
    good luck and keep up the good work
    btw it's not a kh2 mmo it contains all the elements from all the kh games and more

  22. those are awesome news man :) keep up the good work Im realy happy someone did manage to solve way more problem's that most just gave up AND also is willing to share his tools :) i cant imagine how more generous u can be man

  23. @xeeynamo i guess i can help you if you want

  24. If you won't post the new beta with the chest problem solved and the other things, you should post a video on Youtube so we can check the patch and stuf
    Thanks for the patch. You're a life saver

  25. @Sebastian: Se le prendi col disco "nonbuggato" le corone ti rimangono.
    @WCamicase: The procedure will be easy to do, I'll explain step by step when I'll finish the translation :)
    @RoxasXIII: Np, I'm going fast ;)
    @KeyBladeMaster: I can post a video with the entire procedure, but it's pretty easy to do. The only thing is that the unpacking/packing will take more than 30 minutes =\

  26. @WCamicase: Yeah, I'm translating more little by little. I promise that I'll release the patch before the 1 July :). The only problem is that I don't translated yet the Theater...

  27. @ xeeynamo never mind the theater !! all the cut scenes will be in the game anyway so if at some point you only have theater left for translate just release the patch without theater :D

  28. Xeeynamo sei proprio una bomba,continua così!.
    Vorrei sapere se verranno tradotti i testi grafici quando entri in un'area in ita es:
    La caverna dei Ricordi(CaratteriJap)
    cavern of remembrance (ENG)
    La Caverna dei Ricordi(caratteri ITA)
    Ancora tanti auguri per il tuo progetto.

  29. @Xeeynamo thanks for the reply, and take your time, i cant wait to see your masterpiece :3

  30. @Xeeynamo I've got 2 questions for you: What are you going to do with the exclusive FM cutscenes with JAP voices and the 358/2 Days cutscenes? (you didn't answer me on youtube)

  31. The patch you're releasing before July is without bugs and crashes right? So you can play the whole game without those issues.

  32. @ xeeynamo you're the man!!!
    A FM Tranlation must quite a work!!
    Thanks for the patch

  33. I noticed on your English translation that there is some things written in Italian, did you mix your translations up accidently? o.o

    Anyways, just wanted to let you know, but maybe you already fixed it by now.
    Well keep up the good work and thanks for the translation. :)

  34. You are amazing. The English Translation sounds amazing thank you so much I can not wait, but please take your time.
