After a while by the release of KH2 Translation Beta 1, I started to working on a complete unpacker/repacker of KH2.IMG, a file that contain all data files of the game.
After a lot of work I'm able to extract with the original name 30387 (!!!) of the 33728 files present in the game and repack them in a new image file. With this I'll able to add, remove, edit freely everything. I'm able also to decompress and compress the files (this will resolve the KH2 translation freeze problem) and PROBABLY I can add the english voices in Final Mix exclusive scenes (as the user Bajolzas advised me). Now I need few steps to complete the project:
1) Locate the name of 3341 files that I extracted
2) Obtain the english voices of 358/2 that KH2 misses
3) Finish to write the Shift-JIS table of KH2 to convert and translate the remain texts
I'm able to do these 3 steps but a day is too short and I've a real life (oh, this is my last year of High School and I'm studying a lot in these days), so if any japanese, expert of rom hacking or someone that tried to hack Kingdom Hearts 2 want to help me I'll appreciate :).
Ciao Xeeynamo, ho scoperto giusto oggi il tuo progetto... e devo dire che sono davvero meravigliato.
RispondiEliminaHo già letto tutto ciò che hai scritto sia sul blog, che su un forum (sempre di KH).
Grazie a te riuscirò finalmente a giocare al FM... sono circa 5/6 anni che aspetto, sin da piccolo questo gioco è stato un punto fisso per me e oggi casualmente mi è venuta voglia di giocare. Girovagando per la rete ho trovato questo blog e devo davvero farti i miei complimenti.
Grazie di nuovo per l'impegno che ci stai mettendo, se solo fossi capace ti darei una mano, ma le mie conoscenza di programmazione sono davvero pessime (si fermano al Pawn, siccome scriptavo per un server di Sa:Mp ;)
Di nuovo grazie di tutto. A presto ;)
geez! I was mentioned!
RispondiEliminaI´m starting to feel important XD
Good to read this! I hope you'll be successful with this translation. I love your work! You're the only one who i know, who translates whole Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+! I can't wait for the completed translation of it! Good luck!!!
RispondiEliminayou said that one day is too short, so you mean that if you wouldnt have to study this would be done in, lets say, one week or something?
(and BTW I dont want to bore you, but are you at least considering the suggestions I made you on youtube? Its just that you never said anything about it; if you want or not, if know how or not; just tell me your thoughts and I will understand)
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RispondiEliminaI'm glad to see that you've made so much progress, Xeeynamo! :) Have you looked into the Party screen freeze problem I mentioned once before? Do you think it might be related to the chest freeze problem? On a final note, have you ever considered looking for a way to switch the functions of the X and Circle buttons to better simulate the controller configuration of the American and European versions of the Kingdom Hearts series? I bet that would also be a major plus in the eyes of a lot of your fans! Take your time with everything, good luck in school, and I hope you manage to fix all the problems of the first beta in the next release! :D
RispondiEliminaThis is cool! Thanks for showing us! And geez, you're only a senior in high school? I wish I was that smart when I was in high school. :)
Too bad there isn't a way to replace Mena Suvari's voice with someone with actual talent. Guess I'll have to deal with her annoying voice when playing the game. But cool that's you're adding voice to from the 358/2 days game.
The Final Mix scenes that were put into 358/2 are MODS videos, which uses a form of the Mobiclip codec only an NDS and Nintendo can use. The only way to rip those voices is by recording them while they're being played on an NDS emulator, assuming you have an NDS.
RispondiEliminaI found this on youtube: ( )
RispondiEliminaIts a new dubbed cutscen (there are other simillar ones) hope it helps!
Don't know where to post this, so I'll just plop it here: Played through final mix with your patch, and I must say, I'm very impressed! Had to swap between the original and the patch to get past certain bosses due to the menu freeze bug, but the save games happily traded between the two.
RispondiEliminaOnly thing that straight up didn't work was the Lexaus Absent Silhouette battle: The text before it should be a "Don't Fight/Fight" selection, but instead just had the 5 digit category number, thus making it un-fightable unless you swap back to the original japanese. Also, some of the text for the items is off, using the descriptions from the original game, despite the abilities having changed(the ability posted to the side of the weapon is always correct, though).
So, much applause for making this patch!
@Xeeynamo: When can we expect the next update?
RispondiElimina@Ophelia he mentioned he got exams so i supose he doesnt have much time to develop
RispondiEliminaHey man I don't know much , but I am willing to help you any way i can.
RispondiEliminaIs there any chance of you releasing the tool that you are using to unpack the games files?
RispondiEliminaI would really like to be able to tweak the game's stats a little bit (increase the STR of a Keyblade, reduce the AP of an ability, ect...) and I'm guessing this unpacker would let me do that.
Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!
VonFrank, a cheat device with a dissassembler/address searcher would let you do that. just have to find the right value
RispondiEliminai jst signed up to thank you soooo much for your very much hardk appreciated work you r truly a genius :D
I just posted a vid on youtube of me testing the new version of PCSX2 (0.9.8) with your beta :3
RispondiEliminaIt's amazing
RispondiEliminaAre you gultigargar?
@Xalusc nah, on youtube i am wariorcamicase, i have some vids uploaded from the beta :3
RispondiEliminaOh, cool, I'll search up for your video.
BTW, I'm MetalOverlord22 ^^
Ciao Xeeynamo,
RispondiEliminami chiamo giovanni e sono un fan sfegatato di kingdom hearts! ti ringrazio molto sei davvero un grande! grazie davvero! spero quanto prima di riuscire a scaricare la patch 100% di kingdom hearts 2 final mix!! mi chiedevo se una volta finito il lavoro passerai anche al primo kingdom hearts final mix! così la collezione sarebbe al completo :) grazie mille!!
@Fragmaster01: I know, it's a problem realtive to TwTown translation. The only way is to swap the disc with Japanese version
RispondiElimina@Ophelia: Not so soon but not too late, as Ectis say, the exams studies take a lot of time. On 26 May I'll have the exam's tests and the 23 June the real exams. I'm still translating KH2FM and until now I resolved the Twilight Town problem, translated all the items and translated some journal things :)
@VonFrank: I'll release it with the final patch! You require it to patch the game from JAP to ENG without to download 2.5~GB of ISO. I hope also that after to pubblish the extractor, more hackers will look the internal system of the game ^^
@giovanni.angeli: Anche io sono un appassionato folle di KH :D! Comunque ho nei miei piani la traduzione di Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix, ma non prometto niente. Dopo la traduzione vorrei incentrarmi su un progetto segreto a cui stò lavorando da 3 settimane e credo che parallelamente a quello tradurrò anche il primo!
@all: Thanks guys ^^ I'm really happy that you appreciate my work =)
@Xeeynamo good luck with ur exams man :) my opinion would to stop the translation of kh2 for now . Right now focus on ur exams soo u can have clear mind for it after u finished them :)time is something i supose we all have
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RispondiEliminaUn sogno che si avvera!! Fortunatamente non ho mai giocato a birth by sleep prima perchè sto aspettando che esca la psp2, ngp! grazie a te lo farò nel migliore dei modi con la versione final mix!!! Fantastico!! Chissà qual'è il progetto segreto!! mi incuriosisce molto :D Inoltre stai per rilasciare Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix e in futuro anche il primo titolo!! Ti auguro un buon lavoro!! non mancherò di fare una donazione quanto prima :) in bocca al lupo per gli esami!! :) Io mi sono diplomato l'estate scorsa e questo periodo è il più intenso ma non preoccuparti che andrà tutto bene! ti vorrei lasciare il mio contatto di messenger:
RispondiEliminati auguro un buono studio e un buon lavoro! ;)
RispondiEliminabest wishes with exams i am in the same position as you last year high school ;) and take your time with the patch no rush :D
I can help you with the 358/2 days voices and upload them here to you via MediaFire, I have exams just like you but I can do this quickly.
RispondiEliminaGià è vero!! sostituire l'audio giapponese con le scene di 358/2 days in inglese è una trovata geniale!! se non sbaglio in alcune scene originali di kingdom hearts 2 final mix non si sente proprio il dialogato ma si leggono solo i testi, come ad esempio l'ultima scena finale tra axel e roxas o i numerosi incontri dell'organizzazione XIII!! solo terminato il gioco sbloccando la modalità theater sarebbe possibile ascoltare alcune scene con l'audio in giapponese!! potresti invece far in modo, se non chiedo troppo, che già nella modalità storia è possibile ascoltare l'audio giapponese delle scene originariamente mute? grazie ancora per il duro lavoro che ti chiediamo!! sei il migliore :)
RispondiEliminaPer prima cosa, Xeeynamo, grazie mille per il tuo duro lavoro. Come tutti gli altri su questo blog, lo apprezzo molto. Vorrei porti una domanda che mi assilla, e mi scuso nel (probabile) caso che te l'abbiano già posta varie volte. Vorrei solo sapere, una volta che avrai finito, come faccio ad "attivare" la traduzione. Ho già una copia di KH2:FM. Devo modificare quella ho seguire un procedimento differente? Grazie ancora.
RispondiEliminaXeeynamo ti stimo XD
RispondiEliminaI am Brazilian and I want to translate to Portuguese KH2 and I would be grateful if available as a tool to dump the text and rebuild or if you prefer the source code
RispondiElimina@white_sapphire: It's a good idea :) an help is appreciated!
RispondiElimina@famelico96: Per attivare che intendi? Comunque il procedimento per applicare la patch non è ancora definito, ci sono attualmente 4 modi per patchare il gioco. Una volta finito deciderò quale dei 4 applicare :)
@gledson: I'll release everything with the final patch ;)
Thank xeeunamo I'll wait for the release of the patch along with the tool and I thank you too ... when my translation of KH2FM Portuguese (Brazil) when finished the translation I will have give the credits for you for helping me with the tool;)
RispondiEliminaCan you Please share you software with us? I want to make an Undub ver of all Kingdom Hearts, cuz i prefer the Jap Voices
RispondiEliminaAny chance you'll make one for the first KH too? The one that's out there crashes after it dumps a few hundred files.