sabato 9 aprile 2011

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix ENG/ITA - Beta 1 Download

Hey guys, I'm happy to write here that today I'll release the first beta of KH2FM translation!

However there are some bad news:
1) I can't use PPF-o-Matic because the new ISO is bigger than the original file, so I will release an entire ISO.
2) Some worlds aren't completed yet (Beast's Castle, Port Royal, Hollow Bastion, Olympus Coliseum, Land of Dragons, Agrabah, Halloween Town and Pride Lands).
3) There is an bug that freeze sometimes the game when you press START after getting an item from a big chest, a map or a new keyblade.
4) There is an bug that sometimes the game won't accept the gold crowns. If you take them and they are not visible to Journal, they will placed like if they had never took.

The work seem that is very long, Final Mix edition have a lot of differences from the original version that some web-sites don't say and I'll happy to write them soon. I haven't translate also some pieces of the game and I named that texts with numbers. If you encounter that numbers please send an e-mail to with "NUMBER" as subject, the number that you found, a screenshot/photo and a description of what are you doing currently on the game and what do you do before to reach that point. If you want to help me with the translation send me an mail with "GIVEHELP" as subject and the type of help that you want to give to me: translate some texts from japan to english or research of the numbers (in this case I'll reply with an list of worlds where you can find the texts untranslated). If you see some texts broken send me an mail with "ERROR" as subject and a screenshot/photo and a short description of the problem. Other mails will be ignored.

Please remember that these are torrent files, so more you upload and you keep active it, more it can't disappear. If the download speed is very low, please wait a bit and don't stop the torrent. Please don't remove the torrent when it reaches 100% and keep it for a while, there are other peoples that need your upload. Thank you =)

The password is "thisisabeta", so don't start to say that this is a bad translation that it was released without finish some worlds or some points of the game. Two users say that the game won't work on a PS2 and an user says that it works. I didn't test it on  a PS2 already because I'm working using PCSX2. Please post here your experience!

UPDATE: As some users says, the game work on PS2 with mod-chip and swap disc and on PCSX2. Please burn the disc at 1x and use DVD-R as Ophelia says. I've read all the comments and now I know that there is also a freeze when you are in In/Out party selection! I have read also all the mails and I'm doing more! Also I found the main problem of chest freezing and the void crowns :D I'll write a post to describe the problem.

99 commenti:

  1. Hey, Xeey!
    Sono Roxas75, quello che prima traduceva BBSFM.
    Ora anche io mi sono inserito nella cerchia di programmazione C/C++ e posso aiutarti comodamente.
    Penso che non ti serirà aiuto programmativo, ma ho tradotto parecchie cose da JAP-ENG.
    Ti mando un'e-mail, se ti va sono con te! :)

  2. Scusami tantissimo, ma non è arrivato niente...
    Puoi riprovare? Grazie!^^

  3. Do you know something about kh bbs fm translate in English?

  4. Scusa Xeeynamo, forse potrei essere un po' impertinente ;)
    Per questo e per i successivi download, potresti fare l'upload anche su siti di hosting (megaupload ecc..) oltre che tramite torrent? Il download risulterebbe per molti assai più veloce

    1. Scusate...dopo aver scaricato il gioco (su iMac...quindi con un pcsx2 che non funziona...nel senso che fa schifo), sono arrivato al punto in cui Sora si sveglia, e dopo si chiude il programma!
      E' perché è un beta o non so, perche IoSonoOtakumanForever(mito), dice di aver scaricato la versione del gioco di dove si trova^^???...scusate l'ignoranzaXD

  5. x la velocità non è un problema posso aiutarti io
    ora + di tanto non va perchè non stanno scaricando in molti quel torrent, ma se molti lo scaricano andrà più veloce, a me adesso va a 50kb/s perchè siamo in pochi. Suggerirei a Xeeynamo di mettere il torrent su motori di ricerca come btjunkie, isohunt ecc..

  6. Metto in download anche io giusto per seedare poi ;)

  7. E quando ci sarà questo bugfix?

  8. Ti ho fatto una donazione, è una piccola cifra ma spero ti faccia comodo comunque. =)

  9. this is downloading very slowly.
    You should post this on piratebay, and post more videos on youtube, so people can know of the existence of this patch. Thanks.

  10. Ciao senti da un pò in rete circola una patch in inglese di KH II Final Mix +: può esserti d'aiuto il link della patch ? Magari riesci a risolvere molti dei bug che hai riscontrato...
    In ogni caso te lo metto il link è questo
    Il gioco è completamente tradotto ma presenta i tuoi stessi problemi

  11. @b
    Why don't you help xeeynamo putting his patch in many english forum? I'm doing this.

  12. @roxas_master_nobody
    That would be a good idea, but i just dont have the time (nor the knowledge) :s sorry.
    maybe later.

  13. @b
    Piratebay isn't accesible in Italy :P
    I've finished Download in "just" 20 hours and now 'm seeding (40 kb/s), i leave it seed for entire night, so, download and stay seed :p

  14. @White Emperor: Ti ringrazio comunque, anche piccole somme dimostrano che il lavoro è stato davvero apprezzato :)
    @b: As Rubino9BestEMU says, TPB isn't accessible from our nation. However more people will download more the download speed will increase and the problem is that this patch isn't "famous" yet...
    @roxas_master_nobody: Fare tutto da solo non è affatto facile e una mano è sempre ben vista; grazie!

  15. @Rubino9BestEMU
    too bad! isn´t there another torrent site where it can be uploaded?
    I cant let the pc turned on all night.
    BTW more gameplay videos on youtube with the link for this blog can be a good way (think on this xeeynamo)

  16. as someone sad i´ve already mentioned the existence of this blog on two fan translating sites (not KH but Tales). they are both good action rpg´s and these are the sites I usualy follow.
    @xeeynamo have you already considered what i said on youtube?(Im bajolzas)
    BTW to post a comment here i have to save the image on my pc because i cant see it here. Do you think you can solve it?

  17. Nice Xeeynamo, I'm trying to download it right now (:
    A few questions though...

    1- Do you know when you'll release the final version?

    2- The Final version will be on PPF-o-Matic?
    3- Why couldn't you make a normal patch? I didn't get it so well...

    Nice job though (:

  18. no ragazzi, vi aiuto io a rientrare a the pirate bay!
    allora prima di tutto cercate il download da google specificando alla fine che volete il risualtato da the pirate bay (es. kh2fm THE PIRATE BAY)
    entrateci. ora aprite un'altra pagina e andate su
    mettete il link e sarete inidrizzati a the pirate bay.
    @xeeynamo non c'è un modo per contattarti in privato? devo chiederti una cosa importante

  19. @Roxas
    I Provider italiani bloccano l'accesso AL TRACKER no al sito, quindi sarebbe inutile!

  20. @rubino, guarda io scarico stra veloce da li xD
    se vuoi una dimostrazione ti faccio anche il video

  21. Xeeynamo posto anche qui!
    E' la patch che risolve i crash degli scrigni

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  23. Wow che magnifica traduzione ... spero ke farai un ottimo lavoro come hai fatto cn bbs fm...

  24. @Xalusc:
    1) I don't know. The work is very much and I'm not planning to translate everything.
    2/3) The problem is that the patched file image is bigger than the original game and I can't patch it with PPF-o-Matic >.<

    @Eister Man: Per ora no ^^"

  25. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  26. quindi pensi che se tu lo traducessi tutto, saresti costretto a creare una iso che si possa masterizzare solo su dual layer?

  27. Xeeynamo, can't you solve that problem about PPF-o-Matic?

    2- Why won't you translate everything?? D:
    3- Next time, you could release an ISO by 500 MB RAR files...

    4- Do saves and CB/AR/GS codes from the original FM+ still work?

  28. But it was very strange indeed ..... who knows why? however, the only thing you can do is wait, wait, wait ......

  29. a me va benissimo sulla play2 ma c'è sempre il problema della pausa che a quanto pare se cerco di mettere pausa il gioco si blocca sempre anche se non apro uno scrigno grande o se prendo una mappa...pensa sarà la 4° volta che provo a giocare e quando vado a controllare i munny mi si blocca.

    spero che questo non ti scoraggi nella traduzione

  30. Can you translate it into Spanish when you have finished translating it into English?

  31. Funziona correttamente fino al risveglio di Sora, dopo di che.. Puff! Tutto nero! Testato su ps2

  32. @1miguel5
    I don't think he knows Spanish, but I can do it after he's done.

  33. Xeey ma vista la richiesta, a lavoro finito non puoi rilasciare qualche tool? Io mi prenoto per la traduzione in napoletano e quella ostrogota!

  34. secondo me riuscirà a sistemare tutto

  35. you aten´t going to translate everything?
    I thought you were.
    Why aren´t yo going to?
    take the time you need but please dont let this unfinished.

  36. Hi, Xeeynamo. Thanks again for doing the English translation for KH2FM! It means a lot to all of us and I'm currently seeding your file 24/7! I've already started on my goal to make an entire play-through of "beta 1" and began to jot down almost every error I've found during gameplay. I'll e-mail you a list with all the errors I've found once I acquire a big amount. I could also help you with a Spanish translation, if you want. I can't wait until the next update!

  37. @Xalusc: I've confirmed that saves between the original KH2FM and the "Beta V1" work! :D

    @Everyone: "Beta V1" is also confirmed to be compatible with the US version of Swapmagic 3.6 (burned the .iso at 1x speed on a DVD-R with imgburn). Playing through the game up until the first visit to Hollow Bastion, I noticed that almost all of the Japanese-exclusive dialogue is replaced with numbers. I'm in possession of most of the Japanese-exclusive material (including all dialogue). If you need it, xeeynamo, I'd be more than happy to give it all to you along with the bugs/glitches I've seen up until now. Hope you finish the second beta soon! :D

  38. Almost downloading it now(10 mins left). Should we make a forums so we can communicate/organize better?

  39. Ack! A huge problem that stands above all others that I felt I should address here before anything is that anytime the game tries to show you ANY "Party In/Out" screen, the game freezes, rendering it virtually unplayable. To get past this (in Beta V1), you HAVE to insert a Japanese copy of KH2FM and play past any "Party In/Out" screens and save.

  40. @Ophelia
    Is that on console? Also, does it happen multiple times, or is it just a one time thing?

  41. could someone post a gameplay video of the beta 1 please (not finished downloading yet, and i´m not sure if I want to spend a dvd on a beta)

  42. @b I can do that. I'm almost finished downloading and I'm playing it on emulator. What gameplay would you like to see? I have a couple saves/savestates all over the place from an older patch from a different person.

  43. First thing is... It's called Critical Mode, not Extreme, lol. As well as that, you have forgotten the text below that talks about the secret endings.

  44. You guys are lucky...
    The download speed here is at 0,5 KB/s, so I guess Majik's second Beta will have to do =/

    Thanks about the saves!
    And what about CB/AR codes?
    BTW, that thing about the freezing in the Party In/Out screen is no big deal... I mean, it happened as well in Majik's first beta (which has the same bugs, but had a lot less stuff translated and all was in Caps).

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  46. picciotti sinceramente è inutile discutere ...noi dobbiamo fare affidamento su Xeeynamo e penso che ce la farà a risolvere tutti i bug nelle trauzioni in corso quindi aspettiamo.....(guys honestly it is useless to discuss ... we must rely on Xeeynamo and I think it will succeed in solving all the bugs in the translation packages in the course so we are waiting .....)

  47. As well, the word "What?" when Pence is talking is up on screen too long. I don't know if it's that way in the JP version(If so, that's fine), but that's a difference between the Eng version

  48. Third thing. In the tutorials, it states that O is jump, but in the JP version it's X. I don't know if you can change that(I'm assuming you just ported over all the dialog from KHII to KHIIFM)

  49. @sean: It happens on the consoles (not sure about emulators) every time you reach a point in the game where a "Party In/Out" screen comes up. It doesn't render the game FULLY unplayable (you can continue from your last save point with the Japanese version and go past the Party screen, then save again), but it gets very annoying to switch discs over and over again.

  50. @Xalusc: I don't have a CB/AR, but I think that the original codes should work for the beta since the saves are universal, but don't count on it.

  51. @sean
    I dont know, Anything is good.
    But maybe an walkthrough of the game so I can have an idea of what´s and what´s not translated.
    and thanks BTW.

  52. OK. I´ve already tryed on my ps2 and it didnt work :( (im using a PAL sawp magic 3.6; and burned whit poweriso at maximum speed)
    so bye bye dvd, i have to buy some more.

  53. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  54. @b: Never burn at maximum speed! That's probably one of the reasons it isn't working! Get a good quality blank (preferably very reputable brands like Sony, HP, Mitsubishi, Taiyo, etc.) DVD+R or DVD-R (preferably DVD-R) and burn at a speed of AT MOST 2x and nothing more. Pop the DVD in, switch video mode to PAL, then, instead of pressing X to load, press the square button for a special boot. "Beta 1" WILL NOT load on Swapmagic without a special boot. I hope this helps! :)

  55. Guys, I've updated the post and reply to some questions!

  56. @Xeeynamo: Thanks for updating, and the tiny acknowledgement! xD What exactly do you mean by "4th character selection", though? Are you talking about the quite problematic "Party In/Out" screen freeze predicament I mentioned some time ago? If so, it happens EVERY selection screen, not just the 4th. If I'm wrong, can you explain that problem a little more? Sorry if it was just a typo or misinterpretation on one our behalves, though! :)

  57. @Ophelia: I didn't understand exactly the problem, sorry XD I updated the post again

  58. @Xeeynamo: That's alright! When I get back from work, I'll post screenshots of the menu that freezes on the beta on TinyPic and give you the links.

  59. @b:
    Maximum speed always crashes... Even at my modded PS2. I always burn at 2x using Maxwell DVD-R's.

    Ophelia meant everytime a character automatically comes in or out of your party, the game crashes.
    Ex: When Goofy is hit in the head and passes out, leaving the party automatically.
    The pause menu appears and the lines
    "Party In:
    Party Out: Goofy" appear...

  60. @Xeeynamo: Here are the photos of what screens I'm talking about, in case you still need them:

    Whenever "Beta 1" is supposed to display those kinds of screens, the screen goes completely black and the game becomes unresponsive, yet the music continues to play. I hope you could find a solution to this problem whenever you can! :)

  61. @Xeeynamo: Along with that, after the first Nobody fight scene in the beginning of the game in Hollow Bastion, the moment where we get the Hollow Bastion map freezes the game.

  62. Hey Xeeynamo, I Already Watch Your KH2FM English.. Can You Please Upload It At Mediafire Or Other Site Besides Torrent.. (Torrent Cause My Computer To Slow Down XD)

  63. Wonderfull work, man ! Besides the crashes, it's nearly perfect ! Can't wait for the fixed version!!

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  65. Ciao Xeeynamo,
    mi chiamo giovanni e sono un fan sfegatato di kingdom hearts! ti ringrazio molto sei davvero un grande! grazie davvero! spero quanto prima di riuscire a scaricare la patch 100% di kingdom hearts 2 final mix!! mi chiedevo se una volta finito il lavoro passerai anche al primo kingdom hearts final mix! così la collezione sarebbe al completo :) grazie mille!!

  66. wait so... this whole time i've been playing in the wrong speed? so... if i burn "Beta 1" in 2x speed, will it stop all the freezing and the bugs?

    and another question, for the original japanese version of final mix, (and again i burned it in maximum speed) for some reason, it freezes in port royal... the part where jack and will both go out to find elizabeth and sora, donald, and goofy have to wait in the ship, it doesn't load after that at all... (i checked Kingdom Hearts II, its another party out where will leaves)

  67. @Daisuke: Isn't a burning error but another annoying bug of the game if you edit the files that contain the texts >.<... Try to swap it with the japanese disc

  68. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  69. i've no dvd, so i've tried to use pcsx2, but it doesn't work...after charged iso file, the screen is all Xeeynamo, what's your configuration?!

  70. okok, now i'm playing...but after sora wake up, the game stops and on the
    console of pcsx2 i see this message:

    puTlbMiss pc:1d9d4c, cycl:141f5c9b, addr: 1f907c91, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d54, cycl:141f5c9b, addr: 1f907c90, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d4c, cycl:141f5d24, addr: 1f907c9b, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d54, cycl:141f5d24, addr: 1f907c9a, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d4c, cycl:141f5dad, addr: 1f907ca5, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d54, cycl:141f5dad, addr: 1f907ca4, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d4c, cycl:141f5e36, addr: 1f907caf, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d54, cycl:141f5e36, addr: 1f907cae, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d4c, cycl:141f5ebf, addr: 1f907cb9, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d54, cycl:141f5ebf, addr: 1f907cb8, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d4c, cycl:141f5f48, addr: 1f907cc3, status=70030c13,
    cpuTlbMiss pc:1d9d54, cycl:141f5f48, addr: 1f907cc2, status=70030c13,

    and it continue till I shutdown the emulator !!!

  71. @Claudio: I resolved the bug on Sora's wake up! Please wait the final release of the patch :)

  72. ciao Xeeynamo mi chiamo giuseppe e scusa se ti rompo ma mi potresti dire quando uscirà la versione finale della patch?? grazie ancora 6 un mito!!

  73. okay, i past port royal, apparently by restarting the whole game, and i got a question about jiminy's journal

    first of all, i'm already used to the freezing on big treasures, party in/out's, and maps, i can handle them, but the thing is, whenever i open jiminy's journal, it sometimes freezes? will that also be fixed? and while it will be getting fixed, can you tell me why it does? just so that i know how to get to jiminy'sjournal without freezing.

  74. @tormoundrell: A giorni!

    @Daisuke: Wait wait... I never know that also the Journal freeze o_O. Can you explain me when this happen? I'll investigate soon

  75. i'll try, uhh but its still a blur for me, soo i'm a kind of person who likes checking jiminy's journal... and.. idk how to explain it, but from what i've been experiencing, it only freezes like 30% of the time when i either, pick up crowns, or pick up any chest. (of course when getting keyblades or big chests, it freezes when i press start) but yeah, but the thing i hate is... sometimes jiminy's journal can't be open even when not picking up anything at all, like.. say, you JUST turned your PS2 on and did the process of swap magic and everything, i load my file and play, i press start and go to journal but it doesn't load. my hypothesis is its sometimes the area you open them... but i still can't get why it freezes.

  76. umm can you tell me what 20022 is? its the description of the keyblade "Two become one"

  77. @Daisuke: I'll resolved the Journal bug ;). However when you see the numbers it means that the text is missing. 20022 is something like "This weapon increases the change to turn Sora in Anti or Final form"

  78. thanks! and... that might explain how i always turn anti whenever i change forms, i literally have to use final form first all the time. thanks! i hope BETA 2 can get the theater mode translated, ahaha cause i can't understand the gibberish i'm seeing in theater mode. nor could i undersatnd it in japanese hahah!

  79. hey Xeeynamo ,

    I would just like to add that the game also works with Open PS2 Loader over SMB (Samba w/ethernet connection), without FMV (pre-rendered scenes) lag. Which is awesome.

    So you don't need to burn the game to a DVD-R (patched with ESR) if you don't want to.

    thanks again dude

  80. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  81. Really cool what your working on :)
    All i can say is, dont give up! :D

  82. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  83. Quando uscirà la versione completa?
    p.s sei un M-I-T-O

  84. Salve Xeeynamo ti volevo ringraziare per aver tradotto questo fantastico gioco e spero che il più presto possibile metterai la patch 100% perchè testandola su ps2 il gioco si blocca al risveglio di sora e quando metto pausa con roxas non posso accedere al diario. Spero che risolverai tutto il più presto.
    p.s. sarebbe fantastico anche se faresti la traduzione di Kingdom Herats 1 final mix!!

  85. Wow! *-*
    Non vedo l' ora di giocare al gioco più cool per ps2 in italiano!
    Quanto tempo dovrebbe mancare alla release finale,Xeeynamo?

  86. non vedo l'ora che i bug vengano tolti forza xeeynamo ce la puoi fare

  87. Can someone teach me how to burn it? I extract and there's a .irx file and i dont know what to do

  88. Ehy Xeeynamo perchè non crei una patch su Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix?

  89. Ciao, innanzitutto volevo subito ringraziare Xeeynamo per averci dato l'opportunità di giocare a questo bellissimo gioco,poi volevo chiederti se mi potevi dire come configurare pcsx2 per giocare al meglio con questo gioco

  90. salve io l'ho scaricato e l'ho provato su pcsx2 e sono nel mondo di mulan ma nei dialoghi compare una lingua incomprensibile è normale?

  91. I'm currently playing kh2fm with english patch on my ps2
    I was just wondering if the jap switch thing will come out soon,
    I actually want the whole game in japanese with only english subs with english menu

    Do you have an info about that

  92. The problem that Claudio has with sora i get it later at the beast's castle.first ti say's FAKE instead of translating and then :
    cpuTlbMiss pc:168e48, cycl:39c1ddd8, addr: 1f000019, status=70030c11, code=c
    cpuTlbMiss pc:168e4c, cycl:39c1ddd8, addr: 1f000015, status=70030c13, code=8
    (EE pc:00168E48) TLB Miss, addr=0x22000008 [store]
    (EE pc:00168E4C) TLB Miss, addr=0x22000004 [load]
    (EE pc:00168E48) TLB Miss, addr=0x25000108 [store]
    (EE pc:00168E4C) TLB Miss, addr=0x25000104 [load]
    (EE pc:00168E48) TLB Miss, addr=0x12200008 [store]
    (EE pc:00168E4C) TLB Miss, addr=0x12200004 [load]
    (EE pc:00168E48) TLB Miss, addr=0x22000019 [store]
    (EE pc:00168E4C) TLB Miss, addr=0x22000015 [load]
    (EE pc:00168E48) TLB Miss, addr=0x9 [store]
    (EE pc:00168E4C) TLB Miss, addr=0x5 [load]
    (EE pc:00168E48) TLB Miss, addr=0x6000008 [store]
    (EE pc:00168E4C) TLB Miss, addr=0x6000004 [load]
    (EE pc:00127DB0) TLB Miss, addr=0x0 [load]

  93. Io ho un problema alla fine del gioco, quando, dopo il filmato finale dovrebbe ricaricare il menù iniziale da cui si possono ricaricare i dati per sfidare Terra, ecc.: rimane lo schermo nero e non si carica niente

  94. Puoi postare la iso di KH 2 final mix giapponese o già patchata che da quando hanno chiuso megaupload non si trova più?

  95. per chiunque abbia problemi dopo il risveglio di sora deve patcharlo con la patch rev 4.
    io l ho patchato con la rev 4 e adesso funziona bennissimo

  96. Why don't you seed people ?! I need to play this game, so please seed.
